Ms. Independent


So you’re independent? What does that mean? What does that profit? Should I want to be independent too? Based on the media, music, and the urban dictionary, the independent woman is the woman that has high self-esteem, has her own house, her own money, and her own car; and because of it, she doesn’t need a man for anything. Hello – ladies! You have been deceived.

The first part of your deception: You believe you should receive props for being able to take care of yourself…

As an adult, you SHOULD have your own car, you SHOULD have your own house, and you definitely should have your own money. You are only taking care of yourself, like you SHOULD be doing. Me bragging about taking care of myself is like me bragging about being able to read. Everyone SHOULD know how to do it, but if they don’t, they’re considered “below average”. Being a responsible adult is NOT a badge of honor.


The second part of the deception: Just because you have a house, a car, and money, you can claim this independent status…

If you are receiving Section 8, Food Stamps, or a welfare check, you do not fit in the category of “Mz Independent”. Why? Because you have a man taking care of you – and he goes by the name of….Uncle Sam. BY NO MEANS AM I AGAINST THE SYSTEM TO HELP THOSE IN NEED but I am not a fan of people portraying an image that does NOT accurately reflect them.

The third part of your deception: YOU BELIEVE THE MEDIA IS ACTUALLY ON YOUR SIDE!

The media is not your friend. Music, particularly hip hop, portrays this independent woman as some type of superficial diva. Just listen to the lyrics of the songs, they all have the same thing in common…according to them, the independent woman has her own money, gets her hair and nails done every single weekend and only needs a dude when it is time for sex. And the news makes us all look bad by saying things like “The independent woman cannot find a man because the men are not up to par.” NOOO; the independent woman can’t find a man because the independent woman IS a man…psychologically of course. Also the media is boosting the woman up into paying her own bills and not depending on anyone, while giving OUR men purses and sticking them in SKINNY JEANS!Image

A HUGE part of your deception: Just because you can do many things on your own, you believe you don’t need a man for ANYTHING.

Now, if this is true; if you TRULY don’t need a man for anything, the next time your car breaks down on the side of the highway – YOU get under the hood and fix it yourself. The next time you move into your own place…don’t call any man. Don’t call your uncle, your brother, your father, or your homeboy. Call all your “Miss Independent” friends to help you lift those couches onto that uhaul. As a matter of fact, let just replace ALL the construction workers, ALL the police, and ALL of the military with women. Then sit back and see how many buildings go up and how the citizens really feel about their safety. People would fear for their lives! China, North Korea, Iran…all of them would gang rape America… no pun intended.

Personally – I don’t care about being independent and of all the things I’ve accomplished. I would never call myself “Mz Independent”. Why? Because, when my car breaks down, IM CALLING A MAN… When my son needs some special discipline, IM CALLING A MAN….and if I EVER feel threatened, IM CALLING A MAN. Regardless of how “independent” I may appear to be – it would never have been made possible without [for whatever reason – good or bad – short lived or long term] all the men in my life. So ladies again, don’t be deceived. Check out the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31…this chick knew how to manage her money, she was physically fit, she knew how to manage her household, she had her own business, and she was confident and wise. Yet she still embraced her femininity and SUPPORTED AND RESPECTED her husband. So embrace your femininity, know that you are not the “I know it all” superwoman, know that it is okay to depend on SOME others for SOME things, and know that MEN ARE IMPORTANT! THEY HAVE ALWAYS BEEN AND THEY ALWAYS WILL BE. Oh, and stop watching so much tv 😉


(Source to be cited…)